Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am so glad today is Thursday! I'm enjoying life so much right now, I can't even believe how happy I am. Last weekend was one of the most fun I have had in forever and this weekend is shaping up to be just as enjoyable! I think I might end up trying to canoe or kayak, maybe some bowling, a softball game and who knows what else!

I am so glad the weather is starting to warm up. It's wonderful! I need to go shopping though to buy some new summer clothes to fit my new body! I'm still working out and eating healthy, the journey continues...

I'm loving life!

Monday, May 6, 2013


This past Sunday was truly a special day. I have never experienced God in such a real, loving way as I did. I have never heard him so loud and clear in his love for me. I have been extremely sad about having to leave my church of 20 years. The past two Sundays I have attended a different church and it has been extremely hard for me because I am missing my home church and it breaks my heart. However the saying that when God closes a door He opens a window has never felt more real to me after Sunday.
During the praise and worship portion of the sermon I was focusing so much on the negative that this church wasn’t BBC and I was being consumed with hurt and anger. I was tearing up and feeling sorry for myself when out of nowhere the pastor jumped on the stage and started talking. He said that God had been laying something on his heart and he just had to get it out there. He said there was a girl in the congregation, he didn’t know who it was, but that her heart was breaking and she was so sad. He said he didn’t know why she was so heartbroken, whether it be from a marriage or relationship ending to something else, but that she needed love and prayer from the congregation. It was like a lightning bolt shooting straight through me. God used this pastor to speak directly to me, to tell me that I wasn’t alone and that He loved me. I know He was talking to me. He wanted me to know that He was there, that He felt my pain and that He wanted me to feel His love surrounding me. I feel like He was telling me I was in the right place. I have never experienced God this powerfully, it was awesome!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Halway There!

I hate to wish my life away but I am so looking forward to the weekend! Even if there isn't anything exciting planned I still get pumped up for Friday afternoon when I get to go home and relax. This weekend however there is a bit of fun planned! I think my mom and I are going to grab some Mexican food (yummmmmm) and then head up to the casino for a bit. I hope my dad is able to come to, I feel like I never see him cause he is so busy with work!

I got sucked into a Sex in the City marathon on TV last night. Even though I've seen every single episode (and the content is questionable at best) I still watched like it was the first time I'd ever seen it, crying when poor Charlotte found out she couldn't have a baby and being happy that Miranda didn't go through with the abortion. Yeah, I have serious issues with overly caring about fictional characters.

I recently started reading Gone Girl and so far it is ok. I've read reviews saying that it is impossible to put down but thus far I haven't gotten to that point yet. I am interested though so it's not a bust, just not a stay up till 4 in the morning type least not yet. Maybe once I get further into it I will become as obsessed as everyone else was.

I bought two pounds of strawberries today. Two pounds! And I don't even like strawberries that much! However, berries are supposed to be excellent for you so I figure that four or five strawberries for a morning or afternoon snack would be a good choice, probably better than chips or chocolate which is what I usually crave (but I resist, promise!). Tomorrow I need to go to Trader Joe's and pick up some more peanut butter. That's probably the only thing I splurge on as far as not bargain shopping but the peanut butter I buy is worth every penny! Try it. No seriously, you should.