Monday, March 25, 2013

Things I dont want to live without...

It has recently come to my attention that there are some things that I absolutely rely on pretty much every day. Some of them I technically could live without, but I'd really rather not have to!

  • I love Covergirl's Lashblast mascara. Mascara is one of those things that everyone has a preference on so this may not be a good fit for everyone, but I love it! Two coats of this and I look like I have luscious lashes, not the drab, blonde ones I have with nothing on them.

  • This is the BEST eyeliner I have ever had. Ever. It goes on smooth, lasts all day and night, makes perfect cat eyes and can be thick or smooth depending on your preference. I have only found it twice in Avon's catalog and every time I see it I stock up!

  • I love my iPad. I can watch Netflix, journal, search Pinterest, read books, Facebook, surf the web and play games! It is probably my favorite piece of technology I have ever owned. No lie.
  • Three letters. D. V. R. Who doesn't love recording their favorite shows and being able to watch them whenever they want?! This is perfect for me because I am so busy at nights with boot camp that I am never home to watch anything. Plus you can skip commercials. Win-Win for me!

  • Audio books. I adore reading, it's one of my favorite things to do. But how am I supposed to read if I'm driving? Or cleaning? Or cooking? AUDIO BOOKS! I love to listen in my car, it makes my daily commute enjoyable, and it's so nice to feel pampered. It's like they are reading the books just for me! Audio books are ridiculously priced in my opinion, but I can understand why, it must be tiring to read an entire book out loud. I have found an amazing way around this though...the library! Our library has an impressive selection of audio books, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Notebook, even the Left Behind series! You can't beat that!

  • I love chapstick. My favorite is Avon's cherry chapstick and when I buy it's in BULK. This is because I have only managed to ever finish approximately 5 chapsticks my entire life without losing them so I have to have at least 10 scattered around to keep my lips moisturized. I think they made the second picture just for me...
  • I don't want to live without Tim Tebow in the NFL. I think he is such a shining light and regardless of the polarization he can cause I admire him. I'd be completely content if the Bengals decided to trade for him...just saying.

  • There are so many things I don't want to live without. Most of them are silly, but there is one that I most definitely cannot live without. I often forget how much I need God, how much of a sacrifice was made for me. It's easy to get caught up in the "I'm a good person" cycle and compare myself to others I wrongfully judge for being "worse" than me. But the truth is we are all sinners, all unworthy, and it's only by the grace of God that we are saved.

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