Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday

As I was driving to work today I realized how excited I am about the changing weather. That got me thinking about how God loves us. He knew that we needed seasons because we would get bored if there were no changes. How cool is that? I find myself getting excited for every new season and what it will bring!

I tried the BUTI class last night at my gym and I have to say I loved it! There were definitely some interesting moves but I was sweating by the end of class. It felt GOOD. Plus I managed to get home at a reasonable hour so I could read and watch a bit of TV. Tonight I have boot camp again and weightlifting, then I get to go home and sleep! I need a day to sleep in, that alarm in the morning is not my friend.

So far I'm halfway through The Maze Runner and I'm so confused. It keeps me wanting to read, but only because I'm totally lost and I want to find out what the heck is going on. I guess in some ways that is the trademark of a good writer, but usually I want to keep reading because I'm excited to find out what happens, not because I'm totally confused. Maybe it will pick up soon and give me some more clues about what's going on. After it I'm starting another book I've heard good things about, it's called The Forest of Hands and Teeth. This one definitely seems like something I haven't ever read before so it should be interesting to see how I like it.

I am dying to get in the floor and stretch my sore muscles out. It feels so good but I would say that is frowned upon at work. Instead I shall sit at my desk and do what little I can to loosen myself up. I need to start looking into yoga, I bet that would be an awesome way to stretch!

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