Thursday, April 18, 2013


I am so glad it is Thursday! I heard once that there was research done that people were actually happier on Thursdays than any other day of the week because it Friday is coming. Crazy! You'd think Friday would be the favorite day, but I guess anticipation of Friday can make someone pretty happy too.

I am officially down to 95 pounds lost from my heaviest. Only 5 pounds to go until I hit the big milestone! I have never felt better, this is by far the best shape I have ever been in and I am so happy! I'm struggling to find recipes and foods that I enjoy and are quick and healthy. I've been in a bit of a food rut because my time is so rushed when I get home and you aren't supposed to eat after 7. So I end up eating soup and veggie meatballs or tofurkey sausages with a bag of frozen peppers. I need to prepare my meals on Sunday and then just heat them up, but who wants to do that?!

I haven't been able to write as much because our Internet access is restricted more at work now and my nights are so crazy! It makes me sad, I love to be able to write down all my thoughts, but on the plus side there is more work to do so my days don't drag by quite as slowly.

I went to Nashville this past weekend for one of my bff's grandma's birthday party. I had a pretty good time. It's always nice to get away for a bit and not have to worry about any of the responsibilities of home. I look forward to going back soon, maybe this time I wont get sick and we will have more motivation to actually go do something. We were all INCREDIBLY lazy, as in naps in the middle of the day, bed by 10:30 lazy! It was also lovely to see Scott's family. They have always been so sweet and kind to me and they haven't seen me since I've lost all my weight so it was incredibly uplifting to see such positive reactions. And there was cake...yum!

The weather has been incredibly bipolar here lately. One day it's gorgeous outside, the next it's rainy and gross, then gorgeous again, then cold, then windy. Kentucky weather is crazy! On the plus side it keeps me on my toes about what to wear. It's getting to be that time for more shopping since summer is coming and all my old summer close are too big. Bummer...just kidding! I got a bathing suit the other day at Gabriel Brothers that I am dying to wear! It was over $100.00 in the original store it came from, I got it for $13! You just can't beat that!

Can I just talk for a second about how obsessed I am with food documentaries? It's kind of dorky but they are so interesting! Makes me really want to try even harder to do a plant based/whole foods diet. And shop locally. Farmers Market here I come! I wish I could plant my own garden, but let's be honest...Ain't nobody got time for that! :)

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